pictures, being indian, fanvids, fandom love, pimpings, personal, veronica mars, rob thomas, books, food, enrico colantoni, comics, i hate the shipping news

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  • Farewell My Comic-Concubine

    spectralbovine Jul 26, 2006 03:25

    It was a harrowing weekend, to be sure. If you are up for it, hear my tale. Spend several thousand words for me. In fact, some of those thousands of words will be in the form of pictures. Yes, although I did not dress Blinky up, he got taken out somewhere fun. Feel free to skip the sections that don't interest you.

    Friday night hijinks )

    michael muhney, personal, veronica mars, i'm a moron, kristen bell, ryan hansen, girls, alamo marsathon, rob thomas, enrico colantoni, firefly, lj friends, pictures, it's a small world, fandom love, i am so awesome, not being a serial killer, pimpings, cathy belben, twop, comic-con

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  • It's Not Easy Being a Fan

    spectralbovine Feb 08, 2006 23:06

    If you love Jackie (really?) or just love to hate Jackie (it's enjoyable?), join vm_macchiatos. Now. Because I said so.

    Veronica Mars 2.13: Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough (a.k.a. My High School Never Had a Winter Carnival) ), i love nepotism, tv, not being a serial killer, pimpings, family, veronica mars, kristen bell, diane ruggiero, job search, enrico colantoni, jason dohring, lj friends

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  • The Coolest Fucking Thing in the History of Ever

    spectralbovine Oct 28, 2005 19:46

    Remember that thing eirefaerie couldn't talk about until she could? Now she can.

    What are you doing on January 14th and 15?

    I know what I'll be doing. I'll be attending Alamo Drafthouse's First Annual Veronica Mars Marathon. All Season 1 episodes will be shown, back to back, because that's the way we roll in Austin, Texas. And there will be a couple of ( Read more... )

    fandom love, veronica mars, kristen bell, rob thomas, alamo marsathon, enrico colantoni, jason dohring, lj friends

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